Full version: purple sweet potato
purple sweet potato.... jag har läst att denna potatis skulle
vara väldigt nyttig.

Men var kan man köpa sådana potatisar?
Menar du vanlig sötpotatis? Såna finns att köpa på i vilken livsmedelsaffär som helst! smile.gif

Kan de mena vanlig sötpotatis? Fast iofs, den är ju lite purple.

Denna text läste jag nämligen:
Antioxidant and memory enhancing effects of purple sweet potato anthocyanin and cordyceps mushroom extract.

Cho J, Kang JS, Long PH, Jing J, Back Y, Chung KS.

College of Pharmacy, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 305-764, Korea.

The effects of purple sweet potato anthocyanin (SPA) and Cordyceps mushroom extract (CME) on lipid peroxidation, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals and cognitive deficits were examined. Both SPA and CME exhibited DPPH radical scavenging activities with similar potency. In contrast, only SPA was shown to effectively inhibit lipid peroxidation initiated by Fe2+ and ascorbic acid in rat brain homogenates. Furthermore, SPA markedly enhanced cognitive performance, assessed by passive avoidance test in ethanol-treated mice. Combined treatments with SPA and CME did not significantly influence the effects of SPA alone. These results demonstrate that anthocyanin prepared from purple sweet potato exhibits memory enhancing effects, which may be associated with its antioxidant properties.
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Det är den röda sötpotatisen....inte den med gult innanmäte!

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